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Robin Meets The Pied Piper Part 1
by Adric

Part 1

Tim Drake looked up from his trigonometry textbook and out the window
into the night sky. A full moon was rising above Wayne Manor, promising a
night of adventure and danger. But Tim was stuck in his room doing homework!
He hated it when Batman was off with the Justice League of America. As
the third teenager to wear the uniform of Robin The Boy Wonder, Tim often
felt that Batman overprotected him, not allowing him to out on patrol alone.
But then, considering what had happened to the last Robin - blown to bits
by the Joker - you couldn't really blame the big Bat.
Tim's thoughts were interrupted when the Bat Signal suddenly flashed into
the inky black sky. "Yahoo!" thought Tim. He raced down to the Bat Cave
and picked up the special phone that connected him with Commissioner Gordon
and disguised Tim's quavery teenage voice to sound like the Batman's.
"What's up, Commissioner?" he asked. "Batman, this is serious. I just
got off the phone with the principal at Gotham High. Four male students
didn't show up for class on Monday. Now they're all reported missing. This
morning, three more disappeared. Their parents are frantic. These aren't
runaways, they're all athletes and outstanding students."
"Any clues? Kidnap demands? Any idea who's doing this?" asked Robin.
"That's why I called you," said Gordon. "We just received an anonymous
package. In it was a video that showed all the missing boys. It wasn't
pretty. They were all naked and tied up in bondage. Very sick. And there
was a note that said to contact you. It says, 'I have come for Gotham's
young men to make them my toys. Robin is next. Tell Batman.' And it's
signed The Pied Piper."
Tim shuddered. He didn't like the sound of that threat. What a time
for Batman to be away! "Transmit the video to me with the remote
TV-conferencing unit I gave you," said Robin. "I'll get right on it."
Within a few minutes, Robin was staring intently at a video showing
seven teenage boys. They had all been stripped naked, blindfolded, and
gagged. Some were spreadeagled in manacles, others were being stretched in
leather harnesses. Several had full erections, suggesting that they'd been
sexually manipulated. Robin rewound the video and played it again, this
time using the Bat Cave's extensive video-editing equipment to enhance the
image. He stared at the screen for some clue, and then finally spotted it.
The boys were in a dark room decorated to resemble a dungeon. In one
shot, the back wall of the room was clearly visible. Robin immediately
recognized the oversized, distinctively-colored red bricks as being one of
the old abandoned warehouse buildings at Gotham harbor. He and Batman had
faced down Catwoman in one of those buildings a few months ago.
Tim changed into his Robin suit, checked his utility belt to make sure
it was fully stocked, and roared out of the BatCave on his jetcycle. When
he got to the harbor, he used his Batrope to climb to the roof of one of
the warehouses and began to search each building for some sign of the Pied
Piper. On the third roof, Tim gazed through a skylight and saw the Pied
Piper's dungeon. He could see several of the boys writhing in leather
harnesses, and a huge hulking figure who must be the Pied Piper. From
Robin's vantage, he judged the Piper to be nearly 7 feet tall. He was
wearing nothing but a black leather codpiece, with leather straps
crisscrossing his massively muscled chest, huge shoulders and arms. His
face was covered by a black leather mask. He looked like a cross between
Hulk Hogan and Batman's old nemesis, Bane. The Piper was flogging the
chest of one of the boys with a large cat o'nine tails, and Robin could hear
the boy's screams reverberate through the heavy glass of the skylight.
Robin prepared a gas-grenade Batarang that would discharge a powerful
dose of nerve gas on impact. Holding his breath, he crashed through the
skylight to the floor in a hail of metal and glass, and expertly slung the
Batarang at the Pied Piper. The Batarang exploded into a cloud of gas but
the massive figure of the Pied Piper continued his relentless mechanical
flogging motion. "It's a trap, Robin!" screamed one of the boys. "That's
not the Piper, it's a robot!"
Robin turned quickly to assess the situation when he felt a stinging
pain in his calf. He looked at his leg and saw a tranquilizer dart embedded
in his flesh. Out of nowhere, another hit his shoulder. Robin tucked and
rolled across the floor, assuming a defensive stance when a third dart
landed in his thigh. He couldn't see where they were coming from. Robin
tried to dive across the floor but his leg collapsed under his weight as the
dart's venom began to take effect. Instinctively, Robin reached for the
SOS alarm in his utility belt's buckle but before he could trigger the
signal, a massive hand grabbed his forearm and pulled it away from his belt.
Robin managed to look up into the grinning, black-hooded face of the Pied
Piper before everything dissolved into blackness…


Robin's eyes fluttered open in pitch darkness and the Boy Wonder
immediately grimaced from the aching pain shooting throughout his body.
Okay, he thought, fighting to control his breathing and stave off panic,
I'm still alive. He remembered Batman's lessons and started to take
inventory of his surroundings. He was naked and suspended by his wrists.
And his mask was gone, although for now, that was the least of his problems.
From the incredible pain in his arms, Robin guessed he had been dangling
there for at least several hours. He looked down and saw that his ankles
were manacled and tethered to the floor, so he couldn't kick or move his
body, except to arch his back a bit. The room he was in was poorly
ventilated and very warm. He could feel his wavy black hair wet and matted
to his head as sweat trickled down his brow and stung his eyes. Suddenly,
bright white arclights snapped all around him, bathing him in blinding
white light and heat. Tim gasped as he saw the body of another naked boy
dangling in front of him. The boy's lean, sinewy body glistened in the
bright light and the boy's face grimaced with pain. Beads of sweat
trickled down the furrow between the boy's rounded pectorals and through the
ridges of his deeply-etched eight-pack, through the matted bush of pubic
hair and down the shaft of the boy's flaccid six-inch penis. A drop of
sweat beaded and fell from the boy's cock to the floor just as Tim
blinked and realized he was looking into a mirrored wall and seeing his own
Unlike Dick Grayson, the first Robin who changed his identity to
Nightwing, Tim had never bulked up under Batman's relentless training.
Instead, he developed a lean muscularity. His shoulders and arms were more
muscular than an average boys, with pectorals were as round and tight as
half a melon. But instead of the husky trunk of Batman, Tim's torso
tapered into a 28" waist surrounded by tight bands of muscle that ran
through his abs and into his well-muscled thighs. Stretched by his own
weight, the banded striations of his muscles stood out in high relief.
The Pied Piper smacked his lips as he gazed at Robin through the
one-way mirror. Let him bake awhile there, he thought; those lights would
raise the temperature in that room to over 100 degrees. And he had been
planning this for a long time. No need to rush things.
Robin's head hung limply as he gamely tried to conserve his strength.
After about an hour of the searing heat of the floodlights, he heard
footsteps and looked up to see a woman in a white nurse's uniform holding up
a large glass of water with a straw. The woman held the straw to Robin's
lips and said, "you're dehydrated, drink this." Robin knew he needed the
water, and he was so helpless that there was no need to drug or poison him,
so he sipped deeply. The water had a harsh metallic taste. Oh shit,
thought the Boy Wonder, that was drugged! Now what? The woman left as
Robin's mind began to swim. The harsh white light of the arc lamps begin to
flicker into a million different colors and swirl around him. The pain in
his arms almost seemed to dissipate as the room spun around him.

It's time, thought the Pied Piper. He dimmed the arc lights and
activated the cooling fans which blew the hot air out of Robin's cubicle.
Then he walked through the hidden door He lifted Robin's chin with one
hand and stared straight into the boy's heavy-lidded eyes. "I am the Pied
Piper. I have roamed the world slaking my unquenchable hunger for the flesh
of teenage boys and now I have come to Gotham City for the most famous teen
titan of all."
"Those other boys were just bait for you, Robin," the Piper said.
"They've already been flushed into the river and that warehouse has been
burned to the ground. I'm sure someone will fish them out eventually. You
see, I knew Batman was away with the JLA and I figured you'd figure out that
videotape clue I left for you. And you fell right into my trap. I had
to burn your uniform, since I wasn't sure where Batman might have hidden his
little tracking devices. In fact, your whole body was x-rayed before we
arrived at this facility, just to make sure there weren't any secret
transmitters hidden under your skin. We don't want Batman breaking up our
little party, now do we?"

"I am going to break you, Robin. I am going to make you my slave,"
growled the Piper. "You're currently feeling the effects of a little
cocktail I concocted for my guests. It's a combination of a hallucinogenic
much like LSD and a very potent form of Viagra. And I see it's doing it's
job quite nicely." The Piper ran his hand down Robin's body to his
now-erect 8-inch shaft, bobbing helplessly from his dangling body. "In
fact, I see now why they call you The Boy Wonder," the Piper said, laughing
menacingly. "You're going to be having some very sexy daydreams. I'll see
you in a little while."
Robin swam in and out of consciousness while the Piper's nefarious drug
took effect. An hour later, Robin's cock was so ramrod stiff that it was
curling upward and ached unbearably. The Piper returned to his captive and
gently stroked the boy's throbbing member. "What do you want more than
anything," the Piper whispered into Robin's ear. "Make me cum, make me
cum," the boy murmured. "I can't stand it anymore. Get me off, please."
The Pied Piper stepped back as four aboriginal pygmies swarmed around
Robin's nude body. "These are my helpers," the Piper explained. "I rescued
them from the bush and have trained them well. They track prey, kill at
will, enter any premises undetected, they're the ones who subdued you with
their blowpipes. And they are very skilled sexually. I will leave you to
their good devices. And remember, Boy Wonder, be careful what you wish for.
Sometimes wishes come true."
The pygmies swarmed around Robin. Three began gently stroking his
aching body while the fourth expertly placed his lips around Robin's
engorged cock and began sucking him off. Robin's body twisted and strained
with ecstasy. When the pygmy's highly-trained senses detected it was time,
he withdrew his lips and started to massage Robin's cock with his small
fist. Robin's body arced as an electrifying orgasm ripped through his body
and a jet of white cum spurted from his cock. "Thank you, thank you,' Robin
sobbed. "Again, again," the pygmies chanted. "Again, again." The pygmies
expert hands began to arouse Robin again, massaging his testicles, hitting
delicate pressure points, manipulating his cock. One of the pygmies jammed
his fist up Robin's rectum and poked and prodded until he began to massage
Robin's prostate. Inevitably Robin's cock responded and within minutes, he
experienced another bone-shaking orgasm. "Again, again," chanted the
pygmies, and started the cycle anew. "No, no!," beggedd Robin.
But again and again the pygmies plied their artful manipulations to Robin's
body. A third time. A fourth. On the fifth go-around, Robin's member
didn't even become erect but they pygmies still brought him to orgasm. On
the sixth orgasm in less than an hour, Robin screamed in agony as the
pygmies milked the last drop of cum from him, and passed out.


When Robin came to, he realized that he had been moved while
unconscious. The effects of the drugs had worn off and he was now
clearheaded. His cock still throbbed with pain from the ferocious workout
it had received from the Piper's diabolical henchmen, and his arms still
ached from having been suspended for so long, but otherwise he was unhurt.
Robin now found himself standing with his back to a padded wall. His arms
were outstretched to either side and stapled to the wall with metal straps.
His ankles were also secured to the wall. He looked as if he were being
crucified. Robin realized that while he was unconscious, he had been
washed and somehow, he had relieved himself. His bowels and bladder were
both empty.
Robin looked up as the Pied Piper entered the chamber. The Piper was
wearing his bondage gear again, just like the robot in the warehouse had
been dressed - a black leather codpiece with two black leather straps
crisscrossing a massive, heavily muscled chest. He was wearing light
workout gloves, the kind that boxers use to work the heavy bag.
"It looks like Batman keeps you in pretty good shape," the Piper
sneered, as he ran his hand up and down the ridges of Robin's sharply
defined abs. "Let's see how good. I'm going to give those abs of yours a
workout. I'll stop anytime you like. All you have to do is ask me. But I
have to warn you. Remember those high-school boys you swooped in to
rescue? Well, I kept one of them. Take a look." Behind the Piper, a TV
monitor embedded in the wall suddenly came of life, showing a closed-circuit
picture of one of the kidnapped teens. He was tethered to a wall exactly
like Robin. Two large, half-naked men stood in front of the boy.
"Now as soon as you ask me to stop, those two gentlemen in my employ
will begin using our young friend there as a punching bag. He's in good
shape but he's no Boy Wonder, I don't think he'll last very long. So do we
understand? Good. Now let's begin."
With that, the Piper cocked his left arm and fired a powerful jab
directly into Robin's solar plexus. The blow took him by surprise and
knocked the wind out of him.
"You're going to have to do better than that," chuckled the Piper. "Now
tighten your abs and concentrate."
Robin did as the Piper instructed and tightened his abs. The Piper
began throwing lefts, rights, jabs, and uppercuts into the Boy Wonder's
mid-section. "You're abs are wonderful, everything I hoped they'd be,"
said the Piper. Let's turn it up a notch."
The Piper stepped back slightly and started throwing his full body
weight into every punch. First he'd aim low, at the soft belly just above
Robin's pubis. Pow! Then he'd throw a cross body punch into the meat of
Robin's abs. Wham! Then he's follow up with an uppercut into the solar
plexus, bringing his fist up into Robin's body and lifting the boy off his
Robin took the punishment silently, concentrating on holding his
muscles tight to absorb the Piper's blows. But slowly the constant flurry
of punches took their toll and Robin felt his abdominals weakening.
The Piper went to the back wall and picked up a baseball bat. He came
back to Robin and said, "Let's see if this makes an impression." The Piper
swung the bat directly against Robin's abs. The boy bounced off the wall
behind him as every ounce of wind was knocked from his lungs. Gasping for
air, Robin looked up just as the Piper twisted the bat in his hands and
plunged it like a battering ram directly into Robin's mid-section. This
time, green bile exploded from Robin's lips as the contents of his empty
stomach erupted from the blow.
Smiling, the Piper probed Robin's throbbing abs with his hand. They
were completely beaten down and soft now, with no tensile strength left at
all. The Piper resumed his left/right combinations, this time with every
blow taking its toll. Robin desperately tried to suck in oxygen in between
hits as the Piper continued battering his body. Robin's eyes glazed over
and a trickle of saliva leaked from the corner of his mouth as he started to
lose control of his bodily functions.
"Had enough, Boy Wonder?" snarled the Piper. "All you have to do is
ask and I'll stop." "Fuck you," sneered Robin. "It takes more than a few
punches to take me out."
The Piper reared back his head and laughed. He motioned to his pygmy
assistants and they swarmed into the room, each holding small wooden clubs.
They surrounded Robin and started beating his body - not only his abs, but
his chest, sides, thighs, arms, even his genitals. Robin twisted and turned
in his bonds, unable to escape the unrelenting assault. Soon, ugly purple
welts and bruises covered his arms, shoulders, pecs, and thighs. "Ugh!"
"Ah!" "Oof" Each blow brought a muffled response from the lips of the
suffering teen. Robin tried to concentrate on a Zen technique that Batman
had taught him once that would make him lose unconsciousness - the only
escape when being tortured. But the lad couldn't focus with the pygmies
lashing his body.
After an hour of the pygmies' relentless assault, the Piper returned to
the chamber. He was wearing heavy leather gloves that had steel bars across
the fingers. When the Piper made a fist, the steel bars were directly
across his knuckles. "Before I start pounding you with these, I'll give you
one more chance," said the Piper. Robin lifted his head and just sneered at
his tormentor. "Very well, then," said the Piper. He brought back his arm
and fired a punch straight into Robin's belly. The boy buckled and arc'd in
his restraints. The Piper threw a roundhouse right into the sharply
striated delts and heard a satisfying crunch as it connected one or more of
Robin's ribs. Robin was now semi-conscious, unable to hold up his own
weight. His head and shoulders sagged forward over his lower body, his
flaccid cock and balls dangling between his thighs. The Piper pulled back
his arm, aiming another punch directly at Robin's groin when the Boy Wonder
broke. "Okay, enough, you win," he sobbed. "Stop, please. No more."
The Piper roared back his head with laughter. "Clean him up, boys," he
directed his pygmies, who threw buckets of cold water at Robin until his
head had cleared and he brought himself back upright.
"Now, Boy Wonder, watch what happens because you wimped out." The Piper
adjusted the volume on the closed circuit monitor and flicked a switch that
sent a signal to the other chamber. Without hesitation, the two bruisers
on the TV screen began beating the manacled teen before them. The boy
screamed in agony with the first punch and was soon sobbing "Stop, please,
stop, don't hit me anymore!" at the top of his lungs. Robin watched with
horror and listened as the boy's screams tore into him. Finally, one of the
men threw a roundhouse right at the boy's chin which snapped his head back
and knocked him out.
"That concludes today's lesson," said the Piper. "I will see you
tomorrow." And with that, he left the chamber, leaving Robin's bruised
body and psyche to contemplate what else might await him.

Part 4

Robin realized that he had either fallen asleep or, more likely, had been
drugged again. He came too out of an inky blankness in a new location. Now
he was in the center of a large empty room, still naked but now
spreadeagled, with his wrists manacled to tethers that reached to the
ceiling. His legs were spread to shoulder width and his ankles were
manacled to the floor. At least he was standing and not dangling in mid-air
like before, so his arms didn't ache.
Directly ahead of him was a black door, the only visible portal in the
room. A large black leather chair sat in the corner of the room, the room's
only furnishing.
After Robin had been conscious about an hour, the door began to open.
Robin's jaw almost dropped open when he saw Catman walk into the room ahead
of the Pied Piper. Catman, partner in crime to Catwoman, was a petty
thief and predatory homosexual who liked to kidnap and rape teenage boys.
His leather fetish and fondness for whips soon attracted the attention of
Catwoman, who helped transform the psychotic predator into a SuperVillain.
The Piper just smiled at Robin and made himself comfortable in the chair.
Catman was wearing his usual skintight leather jumpsuit. A huge bulge
at his crotch displayed his excitement. He had a large cat o'nine tails
tethered to his right hip and a black leather bullwhip on his left.
"Hello, Robin," he purred. "So nice to see you again. Catwoman is
still being held prisoner in Arkham Asylum, thanks to you and Batman, but
the Pied Piper was nice enough to invite me to visit."
Robin felt a cold chill run through his body as he listened to that
familiar silky voice.
Catman scanned the nude body of the Boy Wonder up and down and
licked his lips lasciviously. "I've waited a long time for this. Too bad
Batman isn't tied up next to you, but you'll do. I know you've seen me use
my whips, but usually for climbing buildings or snapping those batarangs out
of your hand. Never for what they really meant for. I so rarely get a
chance to do this, I am really looking forward to it."
Catman placed his gloved hand on Robin's chest, and ran it down over the
raised mounds of his pectorals and the curved ridges of his abs. "Now what
shall it be, the cat or the bullwhip? Which would you prefer, hmmmmm?"
Robin flinched as Catman's hand traveled down to his groin and squeezed his
cock and balls. "No pain without pleasure, no pleasure without pain, that's
what I always say," said Catman. He slowly began running his gloved hand up
and down the length of Robin's flaccid penis. "Let's make a little wager.
If you can stay soft for the next 3 minutes, we'll use the gentle cat. If
you get hard, it will be the bullwhip for you. Piper, please time us."
The Pied Piper chuckled as Catman leaned even closer to Robin,
pressing his lips to his neck as he continued to massage his shaft. Robin
tried to focus all of his willpower on resisting Catman's efforts, but a
16-year old boy's cock has a mind of its own - especially when it's being
fondled by a skilled pederast in a slinky leather jumpsuit! After two and
a half minutes, it had jerked to attention and was standing stiffly at a 90
degree angle to the boy's body. Catman leaned even closer and whispered
into Robin's ear, "Sorry, sweety, you lose." He squeezed Robin's tool and
balls with his gloved hand until the boy screamed in pain. "And if you
think that hurt, you have no idea," he purred.
Catman marched to about five feet behind Robin's arched back and coiled
the long, sleek black bullwhip. He admired the naked form of his captive
for a moment. "I have to give you one thing, Boy Wonder," he said, laughing
meanly. "You may be a first-class pain sometimes but you sure have one
beautiful ass." He cracked the whip in the air two times; Robin flinched
with every whipcrack, waiting for the first blow. Finally, Catman threw
out his arm, casting the whip with a sidearm motion so it snaked across
Robin's back and wrapped around his chest. Robin jerked and gasped as the
whip cut through his skin and burned like a fiery poker had raked his body.
It hurt worse than anything Robin had ever experienced, even the Pied
Piper's brass knuckles. The whip snaked across the room again and again,
crisscrossing Robin's back with ugly red welts that criss-crossed his broad
shoulders and wrapped around his perfectly defined lats and delts.
For Catman, this was more than a dream come true, it was the
ultimate realization of his obsession with Batman and Robin. As he expertly
coiled and cracked his whip, carefully guiding it across Robin's back,
shoulders, thighs, and the beautiful twin globes of his butt, he lost
himself in a trance-like state outside of space and time. He didn't even
hear it when Robin's gasps and shrieks turned into full-blown screams. The
Pied Piper, meanwhile, sat contentedly watching the entire ordeal, staring
at Robin's contorted face and relishing every crack of the whip and every
tormented scream.
When Robin had been lashed from head to toe, Catman walked around the
boy's body and faced him head on. "Now we'll see what you're really made
of," he said in a dark, low purr. Robin at this point could barely hold up
his head. He was drenched with sweat, his long black hair matted and
falling into his eyes. Catman brought the whip down against Robin's
heaving chest once, twice, three times. Robin had arched his body as much
as he could, bending over backwards and tilting his head back so the whip
wouldn't hit his face or eyes. That left his chest and abs all the more
exposed, and Catman continued to lash them relentlessly. Finally, he
curled the whip and expertly aimed it, letting fly a perfect blow that
flicked the tip of the whip against Robin's cock. Robin let out a
bloodcurdling scream and then, mercifully, passed out, his body going slack
in his restraints.
"Good job, Catman," said the Piper. "I hope you enjoyed it as much as
I did. We'll bathe him and treat his wounds, give him his nightly enema,
and put him to sleep. Tomorrow is a big day for Robin. The Joker and the
Riddler have both promised to be here for Robin's last day on Earth."

Part 5

This time when Robin woke up, he found himself laying on a padded mat. He
was still naked but for the first time, wasn't tied up or bound in some way.
He stood up and massaged his arms and legs, checking himself out. His
wounds had been treated with a soothing salve and most of the whip marks had
receded to faint welts, except for a nasty gash on his cheek where Catman's
whip had caught his face, and a cut across one nipple that would need time
to heal. His body was still spotted with lumps and bruises from the
beatings he'd taken, but over all, Robin decided, he was still in pretty
good shape, even if he still didn't know where he was or how long he'd been
knocked out. It could have been two hours or two weeks since his last
punishment session with the Pied Piper.
Suddenly, bright lights snapped on around him and Robin could see
several shadowy figures staring down at him through tinted plate-glass
windows above his head. Robin was in some sort of amphitheater, with padded
walls and floor, almost like a 3-D wrestling ring. The teen titan could
make out the shadowy silhouette of the Pied Piper through the glass and
two other figures - one unmistakably the Joker, with his white skin and
eerie red lips, and the other a thin man in green, probably the Riddler.
And there was another man in black, with something strange on his head - a
big hat perhaps? A straw hat? The Scarecrow?
"Hello, Robin," the Pied Piper's voice boomed through a speaker. "Do
you remember those boys that you tried to rescue at the warehouse? They
were turned over to your old friend The Scarecrow who has managed to
completely brainwash them into thinking that you are their mortal enemy.
Let me introduce you to them."
The Piper pressed a button and a door slid open. Five husky teens clad
only in black jockstraps entered the room. All of the boys were clearly
champion athletes who had been selected for their physicality - all had big
arms and shoulders, massive pecs, washboard abs, and tight trim waists.
Their jockstraps bulged with their barely-contained manhood. They were all
pumped up, gnashing their jaws and pounding their fists in some sort of
drugged blood frenzy.
In a fair fight, Robin could have dispatched all five boys easily.
After all, they might be strong but they weren't trained martial artists.
But Robin had been considerably weakened by his prolonged captivity, the
relentless punishment to his body, and a lack of food and water. Moreover,
he was pretty sure the Piper had cracked a couple of his ribs, which were
still sore and painful to the touch.
"There he is," growled one of the high-school athletes. "Get the little
fucker. Tear him to pieces!" All five boys started screaming like wild
animals and attacked Robin with flailing fists. Robin dodged their first
assault, dropping one boy with a spin kick and knocking another off his feet
with a judo throw. But when all five boys rushed Robin at once, their sheer
bulk was too much for him. They toppled the teen crimefighter off his feet
and flat onto the mat. Two of the boys sat on Robin's arms, pinning them
over his head. Another two held down his legs. The fifth boy, a huge
bruiser who was the star halfback for the Gotham Knights football squad,
squatted over Robin's waist. He started banging his fists on Robin's
exposed abs, like a baby banging his hands on a table, only as hard as he
could possibly pound. Robin's abused muscles simply couldn't withstand
anymore punishment, and the blows knocked the wind from his body. Smiling
ferociously with the effectiveness of his punishment, the high school boy
alternated his punches from Robin's reddened, softened abs to his solar
plexus to his pecs. Robin let out little gasps of pain with every blow -
"Agh! Ugh! Uff!" - until he was desperately sucking in air and trying to
catch his breath. When all resistance had clearly been knocked out of him,
the boys stood Robin up. One of the bigger guys put Robin in a full nelson,
bending his neck forward and pinning his arms straight up in the air. The
other four boys took turns gutpunching Robin in the abs, the ribs, and the
pecs. One of the punches hit Robin squarely on his cracked rib and the
teen let out an uncontrolled scream. The high school boys just laughed
and continued raining blows all over Robin's body.
When their arms started to get tired, they dropped Robin to the floor and
rolled him over onto his stomach. The boys - who had all been given the
Pied Piper's Super-Viagra serum - dropped their jockstaps and each was
sporting a monstrous 7 to 10-inch hardon. The first boy straddled Robin's
bubble butt and pulled his chin straight back in a classic Camel Clutch.
Robin screamed in pain as his back was bent backwards like a pretzel.
"Let's see if the Boy Wonder's a virgin," said the teen straddling Robin.
He lifted Robin's butt off the floor and made Robin squat on his knees.
Then he mounted the teen, forcing the full length of his engorged shaft up
Robin's rectum. Robin squealed from the pain of the large teen's sizable
cock being driven into this body. "Why don't you beg us to stop?" teased
the teen. "We won't anyway but we'd love to hear you cry like a baby."
Robin shut his eyes and tried to force his mind away from the horror of the
moment, as the teen continued to pound his dick in and out of Robin's
boyhole. Finally the teen pulled his cock out of Robin and shot a load of
sperm all over the teen's ass.
The other four teens each took their turn raping Robin, taking as long
as possible before they each got off and came. By the time it was over,
Robin's ass and the mat under him was smeared with a puddle of sticky white
cum. The boys formed a circle around Robin's body and proceeded to circle
jerk another round of jism on him. Robin simply lay on the floor, too
exhausted and humiliated to even look at his tormentors.
The door to the chamber opened again and the boys quietly filed out, as
if following pre-arranged orders. As the Pied Piper and his guests - Joker,
Riddler, Catman, and the Scarecrow - filed into the room, two ropes
descended from the ceiling. Each had a wrist manacle on its end.
The Piper's pygmies attached the manacles to Robin's wrists and then
stood back as the ropes began to recede, dragging Robin to his feet and
eventually suspending him spreadeagled by his wrists several inches above
the floor. "Riddle me this, Robin," screeching the Riddler. "What hurts
and feels good at the same time? Why an orgasm, of course! And look what I
have for you!" With that, the Riddle plucked a large silver butt plug from
his pocket and waved it in the air. "This is no ordinary dildo, Boy
Wonder. It has a special transceiver in it that will broadcast an
electronic signal direct to your prostate, and from their to the pleasure
centers in your brain. Turn on the power a little bit and you get a boner.
Turn it up halfway and you have an orgasm. Turn it up full-power and ….
Ever wonder what it would be like to have an orgasm for ten minutes? A half
hour? An hour? That exquisite electric shock of pleasure and pain wracking
your body and never stopping? On and on and on. Eventually, your lungs
would collapse, your heart would explode from the strain, and you'd cum
yourself to death. Well, dear Robin, that's what we're going to do to you."
With that, the Riddler brusquely inserted the killer butt-plug up
Robin's rectum. "Lucky we had those boys loosen you up in there," laughed
the Joker. "Plenty of room for our little toy up there now. Ha ha ha ha!"
"Turn it on, Riddler, and let's get this over with," said the Pied
Piper. "I grow bored with him."
The Riddler turned to an electronic panel in the wall and turned a
small dial. A small amount of power started flowing through the device.
Robin felt his cock twitch, like a faint electric shock. The Riddler let
out his insane giggle and cranked the dial higher. Robin watched helplessly
as his cock expanded into full rigidity. In a matter of seconds, it was
perpendicular from his suspended body.
"All the way now," said the Piper. "Gentleman, prepare yourself for a
The Riddler cranked the machine to its highest level. Robin's entire
body spasm'd and he threw his head back, letting out a shriek. A jet of
white cum spurted from his cock, then another, then a third. Robin thrashed
in his restraints, his body writhing as the exquisite pain and pleasure of a
thousand orgasms assaulted him without let up. "Stop, make it stop!" he
screamed. "Please, make it stop!"
The Joker let out a bloodcurdling laugh to see his nemesis in such a
dire predicament. The other SuperVillains watched intently as Robin's body
continued to twist in the air.
Suddenly, the back wall of the room exploded into a cloud of plaster and
rubble as a blue figure streaked into the room. It was Superman! The
black-clad figure of Batman followed through the hole that Superman had
created. The opposite wall suddenly lit up with an intense green light,
then melted away as the Green Lantern blasted his way into the sanctuary.
"Turn that thing off!" yelled Batman. A bolt of energy from Green Lantern's
power ring blasted the Riddler's machine, killing the power. Robin's
drained body sagged limply as Superman cut his bonds with his heat vision
and cradled the boy to the floor. Superman took a quick look at Robin's
heart and lungs with his x-ray vision. "He's going to be all right, we got
here in time," he said.
"Let's clean up this trash then," said Batman, staring at the Joker,
Riddler, Catman, and Pied Piper with barely bridled fury.
There were no arrests that day. No trials. No jury ever heard
details of the naked humiliation and torture suffered by Robin. The
kidnapped high-school boys were deprogrammed by Green Lantern and returned
to Gotham High with no memory of their ordeal. After a short recovery
period, Robin returned to Batman's side on patrol, but Gotham City seemed
much quieter after his return. And no one ever heard of the Joker, the
Riddler, the Scarecrow, the Catman, or the Pied Piper ever again.